How to Work Less, Produce More and Still Get the Job Done in a Sensible School Week

  • A specialist or expert whose expertise runs narrow and deep
  • Technicians do one thing and they do it well
  • School Examples:
    • Secretary, Teacher, Librarian, Custodian, Nurse, Counselor, AP
  • A person whose job it is to get things done through other people
  • Primary functions: coordinating the actions of others, supporting and coaching, directing, orchestrating events
  • School Examples:
    • Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents, Principals
  • Managers get paid to talk, not to do anything
  1. Clean out your office and turn it into a conference room – FUNDAMENTAL PRACTICE #1™
    • Get rid of everything that does not belong in the office of a manager
    • Create an impeccable conference room
  2. Redefine your secretary’s role
    • High-level job
    • The secretary runs the show; do what you’re told
  3. Your secretary handles all “incoming” – FUNDAMENTAL PRACTICE #2™
    • The secretary needs to know more about what’s going on than anyone else
    • The secretary gathers, stores, and organizes all incoming mail, email, messages and paperwork
    • Your conference room remains impeccable
  4. Conduct a Daily Meeting with your secretary – FUNDAMENTAL PRACTICE #3™
    • Your secretary reviews the “incoming” with you and recommends action
    • The secretary takes everything away when complete
    • The two of you do this together every day, no matter what
  5. Hand over your calendar to your secretary
    • The secretary protects and manages your time
    • The secretary schedules all phone calls, meetings, and appointments
  6. Become superfluous to the operation – DO NOTHING
    • Become unneeded – do not play – coaches don’t play
    • Put your attention on developing your people
  7. This is a process
    • One year to implement, three years to master
    • Start with The Fundamentals™