By Jill Pancoast, President, The Breakthrough Coach
“When asked, ‘How are you doing?’ don’t hold back. Say something bold like ‘I’m great! Spent 10 hours last week in classrooms and I’m leaving work every day by 4:30!’ Then widen your smile as all heads turn your way.”
The best TBC billboard is YOU, when you’re in good shape.
I debrief regularly with Breakthrough Coach School Leadership Program graduates, and I am very often blown away by the enormous energy they bring to these conversations. You can hear it in their voices – the deep satisfaction that comes from knowing they’re making a real difference with the people and projects that matter most. Our champions would gladly hike to the top of any nearby mountain and proclaim, “You’ve got to do this! You’ve got to do The Breakthrough Coach!”
To our proponents everywhere, thank you. We are grateful for your passion and your partnership, and we are committed to supporting you in your efforts to bring your school administrator peers along. With this in mind, we have some helpful tips for introducing The Breakthrough Coach to your colleagues that will leave them intrigued and wanting to know more.
#1. Radiate Your Good Vibes
Have you ever noticed that people are most attracted to you when you are joyful, confident and fully present? When you’re in good mental and emotional shape, the people you encounter can’t help but feel your vibe, and you create multiple, “I’ll have what she’s having,” moments all around you. Show up at your next all-admin meeting “vibing” like this and guaranteed, someone will ask, “How are you doing?” This is your opening for talking about The Breakthrough Coach Program.
#2. Brag a Little
When asked, “How are you doing?” don’t hold back. Say something bold like “I’m great! Spent 10 hours last week in classrooms and I’m leaving work every day by 4:30!” Then widen your smile as all heads turn your way.
#3. Reveal What’s Working
Now that everyone is staring open-mouthed at you, you can anticipate the following question: “Wow! How are you doing that?” This is when you reveal what you’ve been up to:
“I’m working with my secretary in a different way. She’s managing my calendar and my priorities. She makes sure I’m where I need to be each day and she’s taken on running the front office. It’s working great!”
CAUTION: Avoid explanations of Manager-Technician, the Impeccable Office and/or the Daily Secretary Meeting. Without the appropriate context, this jargon mostly falls on deaf and/or confused ears. Focus on the fact that you’re doing what you love, and things are running smoothly.
#4. Generate Intrigue
By this point, your infectious zeal will most likely prompt someone around the table to ask: “When did you start doing that?” This is your cue to let it rip:
“I attended The Breakthrough Coach Program! Learned a new way to run the front office that has me in classrooms a whole lot more and leaving work on time. It’s powerful stuff. I highly recommend it!”
Having fully experienced this new and improved version of you, any school administrator with a pulse will now be chomping at the bit. So, fire up the www.the-breakthrough-coach.com homepage video, or offer to take your colleagues to coffee to share more. Remember, “conversion” is not a one-time event. Share your successes when appropriate to inspire your struggling colleagues.
You can also contact us directly to explore the possibility of scheduling a Breakthrough Coach session for your administrator leadership team. Whichever way you choose to share, thank you for initiating a powerful, peer-driven conversation that will alter you and your colleagues’ experiences for many months to come.
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