Jeanette Johnson is a retired, Florida, school principal and a TBC Coach and Presenter. Her 34-year career as a teacher, program developer, and principal at both the high school and post-secondary levels has made her passionate about supporting educational leaders to grow and develop the adult learners in their organizations.

Jeanette was a fifth-year principal on the edge of burnout, living a life that consisted of 70-hour workweeks, daily Starbucks on-the-go breakfasts, and dinners picked up at drive-thrus, when a colleague recommended she enroll in The Breakthrough Coach Program. 

She describes her Breakthrough Coach experience as “life-changing.” Within one year of implementing The Breakthrough Coach system in her school, her work week dropped by 20 hours and she was spending two days every week out in classrooms. By the second year of TBC implementation, she was down to 45 hours a week and her school experienced huge increases in student success measures and enrollment. 

Over the course of her 10 remaining years as a principal, the high schools she led performed among the top 10% of all public high schools in Florida, students’ participation in and achievement on advanced coursework (AP and dual enrollment) increased from 50% to 100%, and her postsecondary technical college ranked among the highest in the state for student performance on industry credentialing exams.

Jeanette graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. in English from Wake Forest University, and later earned an M.Ed. in Educational Leadership from Florida Atlantic University. As a teacher she earned National Board Certification in English, and currently holds Florida educator credentials in English, Marketing, Educational Leadership, and Director of Career Education.

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